
Disclaimer for DJBenru

Please contact us by email at DJBenru01@Gmail.com On this DJBenru website we take your conversations very seriously. We appreciate and respect the importance of your conversations and your contract and the security of important data on the Internet, so don't think about us at all. This website of ours uses a lot of different things and the same technology for different purposes in order to distinguish it from other users who use their websites so that this website of ours is very unique. site's disclaimer.

Disclaimers for DJBenru

All information on this website - www.djbenru.com - Similar things and technologies that we use on our website On this website we use cookies, what is the meaning of cookies, a cookie is a small file with text placed on your computer and other websites you visit. These cookies do not tell us who you are, but they allow us to identify the device you are using, and the cookie will provide a series that you must follow without any problem in order to meet your needs on this website. DJBENRU This website also uses Google to store its items a lot and it is the great technology that this website uses and that is why it makes it easier for users to find our items very easily and that is why if you need something you can find it quickly because Google is good at uploading our items so that you can find them very quickly. (DJBENRU) is solely at your own risk. DJBENRU is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred as a result of using our website.

Why we use cookies so widely and with very similar technologies. When you visit the DJBenru website, you can use cookies to make it easier for you, the Yani user, to create a situation that will make you happy. Very easy to use online. Here are our main types of cookies that we use and why we use them: We use these cookies to make it easier for the user to enjoy our website. It is not the user who enters the website who does not like this, that is why we improve cookies. Cookies are very important - these cookies are essential for the operation of our website. We will allow you, for example, to browse the website, give your opinion, and you can use many of our services.

Analysis of our website - and measuring and analyzing how our customers use our website in abundance and deal with minor and major problems with marketing, improving our user experience and improving the overall performance of our website. Very good.


Targets and advertising - our cookies that we have connected with Google Conso are used to improve your online experience when you use our website and this Google Conso delivers relevant content to you as we have explained in our Policies. Such cookies also help us a lot to measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. We keep these cookies ourselves so that they can help us advertise even our website and that's why you can find it very easily.


We are very grateful for continuing to use our website, so you must be in compliance with the laws that will be put in place for more protection.

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